Saturday, March 28, 2020

Teach Your Dolphin Math Tutor These Concepts

Teach Your Dolphin Math Tutor These ConceptsA dolphin math tutor can help you to teach your child a lot of things. What could be more fun than helping a child to do their math homework? Here are some things that you may not know about dolphins that could help you teach your child math.The first thing that you want to teach your dolphin math tutor is that dolphins can use one leg. Although they only have one leg, they can use it well. They can swim very fast and are very agile. They can even jump very high. This may be hard for the human child to understand, but they will get it with time.One of the good number that you can teach your dolphin math tutor is that you can divide in two parts. There are two numbers that can go into the category of one-part-and-one-number. You can give them the number three or ten or even any other number. These are special numbers that are easy to count and for adults it will seem silly that they cannot see the difference between the two numbers that can be used for division. Teaching them this basic fact is very important.The next thing that you need to teach your dolphin math tutor is the arithmetic game. It is very important for you to teach your dolphin math tutor how to count in pairs. Using the example of three and five and ten, you need to teach them how to do this. Their ability to identify numbers and do sums will be very good and they will also be able to do general arithmetic.Another thing that you want to teach your dolphin math tutor is that they should use the concept of an octagon. They have arms that they can stretch out in their front, and there are a number of tails that they can extend from the back. They can stretch the arms all the way down to the ground. They can also reach the tips of their tails up towards the sky and hold them on that way for a short time. If you can teach them how to use this game, you will not have much trouble teaching them about multiplication.Finally, one last thing that you should teac h your dolphin math tutor is how to use numbers. You want to teach them the general concept of how to work a problem in groups and how to use them to make a solution. You want to show them the various ways that you can make changes to the problem.The most important thing to remember when you are teaching your dolphin math tutor these concepts is that they should listen. They should pay attention.

Friday, March 6, 2020

12 Reasons Your Resume May Have Been Overlooked

12 Reasons Your Resume May Have Been Overlooked Image via 1. The Formatting is Off While it may seem simple, ensuring that your resume is formatted properly is essential when applying for jobs. Making a simple mistake in the formatting can make you seem unprofessional or careless to the person evaluating your application. If a recruiter looks at your resume and sees sloppy or odd formatting, they may simply move on without even reading what it says. Make sure that, above all, your resume is consistent. The font should be the same throughout, and the font size should be consistent as well. Double-check that the spacing is the same within each line of each section, and keep the margins on either side of the page even. Before you send your resume off to a recruiter, print it out so that you can see it on paper, as this will help you identify any mistakes and ensure that it looks neat. 2. It Looks Unprofessional While you do want your resume to stand out, make sure that your accomplishments are what creates this effect, rather than trying to catch a recruiter’s eye with a funky font or a bright color. You should always type up your resume in a professional font and a dark color. Make sure that you keep your language professional as well. Your resume is not the place to use contractions or slang. If you’re worried that some of the language used on your resume is too casual, try asking a friend to read it over, as they’ll be able to give you a fresh perspective and may spot some issues that you overlooked. 3. You Focus on Common Characteristics While certain characteristics, such as being responsible and organized, are important for most jobs, they’re also probably the most common qualities that applicants put on their resumes. No matter how true they are for you, they probably won’t make your resume stand outâ€"in fact, they may cause your resume to be overlooked because recruiters won’t see anything in your resume that they can’t find elsewhere. While it’s not necessarily a bad thing to include these typical characteristics on your resume, make sure that you also emphasize some qualities that make you unique. For instance, if you feel like you work particularly well with others or feel like you stand out in the direct way that you deal with people, these would be good characteristics to work into your resume so you won’t be overlooked. Infographic by Christine Ascher Whenever you’re applying to a bunch of jobs at the same time, especially during the school year when you’re busy with schoolwork, it can be tempting to just send out the same resume to every job that you apply for. However, in many cases, this is a mistake and can cause your resume to be overlooked, as it may not seem to relate directly to the job at hand. While similar positions may require a similar background and strengths, every company nevertheless looks for different qualities in their employees. 5. You’re Not Using Specifics Simply listing your past accomplishments on your resume may cause your application to be overlooked by a recruiter. If you’re not including specifics on your resume, then you’re probably not standing out. After all, a recruiter may not know what a big deal it was for you to win a certain award unless they know details such as how big the pool of candidates was and how many people are typically chosen for the award. You always want to include specific numbers and statistics on your resume when describing your past responsibilities as well; for instance, rather than just stating that you tutored students, write how many students you’ve helped and include a specific example of how much one of your students was able to improve their grade with your help. Putting these specific details on your resume will give a recruiter a much better idea of what your capable of, and will keep them interested as they’re able to fully understand the accomplishments that you’re most proud of. 6. It Seems Unfocused                                                                                                                                                               One common mistake that students make on their resumes that can cause it to be overlooked is including as many positions and accomplishments on it as they can, whether or not they’re truly relevant to the job that they’re applying for. While it may be tempting, especially for a college student who doesn’t have a ton of past experience to choose from, to include everything that you can think of on your resume, it’s far more important that your resume is tailored to the specific field that you’re interested in. If your resume seems scattered, a recruiter may think that you’re not truly interested in that area, but are merely submitted resumes everywhere to see if anything works. Though, of course, it’s not a bad thing to have a diverse range of experiences and interests, make sure that it’s clear what your main area of focus is on your resume. If you do have to include some experience in a different area, make sure you highlight how the skills that you gained from that position can translate into this new field. 7. You Don’t Explain the Purpose of Your Past Responsibilities Another common resume mistake that can cause your resume to be passed by is the failure to highlight the importance of your responsibilities in past positions. Simply listing your duties in past jobs doesn’t make much of an impression on recruiters, as it doesn’t show them the significance of what you were doing. If you explain the purpose of each of your responsibilities, they’ll get a better idea of the significance of your role, as well as your overall purpose in that role. For instance, if you spoke to customers over the phone in a past job, include a statement of purpose after describing that responsibility, such as “to ensure customer satisfaction.” In addition to highlighting the importance of what you did, this will also show recruiters that you were aware of the bigger picture in your past jobsâ€"in other words, rather than being focused only on your own job, you understood how your role contributed to the more general success of the company. 8. It’s Confusing Unfortunately, it can sometimes be difficult to evaluate your own writing from an objective standpoint. As a result, sometimes a description that makes perfect sense to you can leave a recruiter confused. Especially if you’re used to working in a certain job where you may have used a specific software or had unusual responsibilities, a recruiter may have trouble understanding exactly what you’re trying to say when you describe your duties. Try to read your resume from the perspective of an outsider to see if it would make sense to someone else reading it for the first time. It can also be a huge help to have a friend read over your resume to let you know whether or not it seems clear to them. Because recruiters tend to receive a large volume of applications, they’re probably not going to take the time to decipher what you’re trying to say if they don’t understand something on your resume; instead, they’ll just move on. For this reason, it’s essential to make sure that y our writing is clear and easy to understand for an outsider. 9. It’s Unbalanced One thing to keep in mind when working on your resume is that you don’t want it to appear too heavily slanted towards your academic achievements or professional experiences. Instead, you want to show that you have excelled in both of these areas. If you dedicate a lot of space on your resume to your academic achievements, but fail to highlight your work experience, for instance, a recruiter may assume that you don’t have valuable work experience. Conversely, if you have a wide range of work experience on your resume but don’t mention much in the way of academics, someone looking over your resume may think that you’re leaving off academic information for a reason. Most recruiters are looking for someone who has done well in school, as this shows them that you’re hard-working, and who has work experience, as this shows them that you can do well in a professional environment. For this reason, having a resume that focuses all on one area and neglects the other can cause your re sume to be overlooked. Image via 10. The Experience You’re Listing Isn’t Recent While most college students only have a limited amount of experience to highlight on their resume, given that they’re relatively new to the working world, it’s still a good idea to keep in mind that the experience you should list on your resume should be recent. In other words, if you’re listing positions that you occupied before starting college, that may cause a recruiter to pass on your resume as they might believe that you haven’t been trying to gain new work experience more recently. Though the most important thing to keep in mind when listing work experience on your resume is its relevance to the position in question, it’s also a good idea to make sure that you’re focusing on the more recent jobs you’ve hadâ€"especially as they’re probably better than the ones you had in high school or early on in your undergraduate career. 11. You Don’t Highlight What Makes You Unique While you don’t want your resume to be too crazy, it is a good idea to highlight some characteristics that make you unique and can set you apart from other applicantsâ€"otherwise, a recruiter will have no reason to pause and take a second look at your resume. Including a section for additional skills is a great place to let your unique talents shine, so make sure you don’t leave it off. If you speak a second language, excel in a certain sport, or play a musical instrument, for instance, these are great things to mention on your resume. While they may not necessarily translate into skills for the job that you’re applying for, they’ll give a recruiter an idea of your interests and hobbies outside of the workplaceâ€"which will, in turn, give them a better idea of what you might be like to work with, which another important part of the hiring process. 12. The Address on Your Resume Doesn’t Match the Location of the Job Though you may be perfectly willing to move to a new city for a job or internship, a recruiter won’t necessarily know this when going through your application. As a result, if you’re applying for jobs far away from where you currently live, a recruiter may overlook your resume simply because they’re not sure how realistic it is to expect you to move. For this reason, when you’re applying for jobs that would require you to move cities, make sure you mention somewhere in your application, perhaps in your cover letter, that you’re okay with relocating. That way, a recruiter will understand the situation and won’t pass over your resume simply due to your location. Your resume is probably the most important part of your job application, as it gives a recruiter their first impression of your personality, experiences, and strengths. Getting your resume just right is therefore crucial. Make sure that you read it over several times before sending it out, and that you take some time to address the potential issues listed above in order to ensure that you’re putting your best foot forward when applying for those jobs.

PISA chief says there is no purpose in teaching children how to code - Tutor Hunt Blog

PISA chief says there is no purpose in teaching children how to code PISA chief says there is no purpose in teaching children how to code PISA chief says there is no purpose in teaching children how to codeSchoolsThe PISA chief has announced that coding, a recent addition to the UK`s national curriculum `will be outdated very soon.` PISA is the OECD`s (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Programme for International Student Assessment, an independent institution that assesses every three years 15 year old students from all over the world in reading, mathematics and science. The results from this study are useful for ranking countries, and can provide convienent information at a glance. In the most recent results, which saw Singapore coming top in all categories, the UK did not perform particularly well, falling well outside the top 15 positions in reading and science, and only managing a dismal 27th place in mathematics. Andreas Schleicher, the Chief of PISA, has suggested that coding is a fad, a `technique of our times` and that it is very unlikely to have any longevity as a core subject. I must say that these comments are rather surprising to me. Coding is now part of the national curriculum, replacing the rather undefined and nebulous `IT` subject in 2014, and is taught to all pupils in some form from the age of five. It seems somewhat strange to me that someone would suggest that the subject might be phased out anytime soon - just about every aspect of our lives is infused with computers and technology, from business, social interactions, to education itself. Our reliance on technology is expected to increase exponentially over the next few decades, and with this there will surely be a concomitant increase in demand for IT specialists. Coding is just about as important an IT skill as one can possess - if you can code you can make an app, design and build a website, and perform many more vital tas ks related to the IT sector. Why then is Andreas Schleicher, a statistician and researcher in the field of education, suggesting that there is no real point in teaching coding? In a speech he gave at the World Innovation Summit for Education (Wise) in Paris last month Mr Schleicher made the point that coding is a contemporary pursuit, and unlikely to become a permanent or core subject: `Five hundred years ago we might have thought about pen literacy. In a way coding is just one technique of our times. And I think it would be a bad mistake to have that tool become ingrained.` `You teach it to three-year-olds and by the time they graduate they will ask you, `Remind me, what was coding.` That tool will be outdated very soon.` I think it`s highly unlikely that coding will vanish from the classroom within the next 10 or 15 years - indeed I will make the prediction that it will become ever more ubiquitous, an even more important part of the curriculum in the coming years. Of course in the future there may be developments that make programming more approachable - there may even come a time when a system is invented that would enable someone like myself to code, though this may be dreaming of the impossible! just using a word processor is stretching my technical abilities to their limits! Mr Schleicher`s point seems to be that he would prefer coding be taught with a view as to its application, rather than in some abstract way: `I would be much more inclined to teach data science or computational thinking than to teach a very specific technique of today. The trick is to teach fewer things at greater depth that is really the heart of education success.` Speaking recently at the World Innovation Summit for Education (Wise) in Paris, Mr Schleicher compared coding to trigonometry, which apparently has uses that don`t apply anymore. Just with this comment I believe Mr Schleicher has shown his lack of judgement - tell any structural engineer or architect that trigonometry no longer has any use, and they may look at you askance, waiting for the punchline of the joke. Not to mention its protean practical applications - from navigating to surveying - it is a core part of geometry. Mathematics will always be valid, will always have `application,` be it in pure or applied domains. For Mr Schleicher to suggest trigonometry is no longer useful suggests to me a grave misjudgement on his part. If this misjudgement extends to his predictions about coding only time will tell, but I suspect we will soon be teaching our children about logic gates along with teaching them their times tables. 12 months ago0Add a Comment

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Teach Away Telegram - October 2008

Teach Away Telegram - October 2008 Happy Halloween! We hope that everyone is ready for Halloween this weekend. We hope that you enjoy your Halloween candy responsibly and that your costumes are as innovative as ever!A quick note for those wishing to go abroad early in the new year: deadlines are coming up for some amazing jobs abroad, so pass the word around, and apply today!Public School Jobs in Korea - Free flight Exotic location, monthly start datesApply at: Teaching Jobs OverseasFinding a country to teach English in can be a daunting task in itself, let alone trying to find a legitimate company to get you the job. A simple Google search reveals that there are countless individual recruiters offering jobs to teach English all over the world. It is important to do your research before applying to a job and be skeptical when something seems to good to be true.The unfortunate truth about many internet recruitment agencies is...Click here to read more about finding teachin g jobs overseas.Dos I assumed it was the same. Couples would exchange cards and gifts and go out for a romantic dinner. Now, I know that doesn't always happen, but I suppose that is the general consensus. On Valentine's Day in Korea, girls actually buy gifts before the boys...Click here to read more about Theresa's teacher story from Korea...

Who Will Be a Tutor For Your Class?

Who Will Be a Tutor For Your Class?The future of tutoring has become a topic that everyone is talking about these days. There are so many private and public school teachers who have to juggle the difficulty of finding a quality tutor to help them in their classes, but they also need to compete with other private and public school teachers to make sure that they are taking on some of the most qualified people for their classes.Each year, there are many quality students entering into the public schools and one of the best ways for them to do that is to go into a private school or a public school. There are some other things that make private school or public school different than the rest. The students who go into a private school or a public school will be looked at in a different way, and it can be tough on the teachers that are in charge of the classes.The students who come from the public schools are often very competitive. The students that are from the public schools have a lot m ore social skills and they know how to make themselves the best in their own special circle. They will not be confused by the idea of not being at the top.With the extra social skills that the public school students have, they may have a tendency to try out different methods of tutoring, and they may do more self-taught research online, they may try out different methods of teaching. It is possible that they may ask other students who they know would teach them if they really need a good tutor to help them in their class. This is probably going to be a factor that makes it difficult for the teacher to find a quality tutor.The students who will be entering the public school have a lot of advantages that the students who will be entering a private school will not have. They will probably be able to get better grades, and they will probably be able to do well in their classes. Because of this, they will have an edge over the students who will be entering a private school.The students w ho will be entering a private school or a public school will be much more focused on their classes. The students who will be entering a private school will have the advantage of having more attention from their parents, who are usually much more concerned about their child's education than they are with their children's social or family life. The students who will be entering a private school or a public school will not have this advantage, and therefore will be much more anxious about getting good grades.This could explain why so many students who will be entering a private school will have a great advantage over those who will be entering a public school. If you are looking for a tutor for your classes, you should look for someone who will not allow this problem to arise. They should offer you a high level of service and should have some form of security against students who have special needs.

How to Solve College Algebra Problems With Math Help From Online Tutors

How to Solve College Algebra Problems With Math Help From Online TutorsHave you ever wondered how to solve college algebra problems? For many students, solving difficult problems at the end of their semester is a major source of stress. By offering you some free online math help you will be able to solve many of your math problems before they turn into serious headaches.Using an online math help program can give you a huge advantage over other students who are not provided with this type of information. The tools you will be given for free will teach you the correct ways to learn the topics that you need to. That means you can solve your math problems and master the subject matter before they are so complicated that you cannot finish it in one sitting. The math tutorials can be accessed from the internet, so you don't have to worry about leaving your computer unattended or giving up on your work.As a student, you will find that your performance will improve greatly if you take advant age of a free math tutorial. You will learn how to study efficiently by focusing on your lessons at home and not wasting time at school because of having to leave the room to go to a friend's house for homework help. Not only will you have a better chance of getting a higher grade, but you will also find yourself able to keep the rest of your friends busy for longer.Math labs are a great way to help you succeed. A math lab is a group of students in a room together, where they work on mathematical problems together. These are great for students who struggle with math and are afraid to ask for help from others. This type of work is very intensive and some people will need to retake a test or pass one in order to earn a good grade.With online math help, you will be able to improve your grades while also learning new concepts that can give you a boost in the future. If you have trouble figuring out certain topics in college, then use an online math help. No one can understand your probl em unless you tell them why you are giving it so much thought. That is when a good math tutor can help you out and show you a better way to go about solving the problem.If you want to find an online math tutoring program that offers online math help, you should check out all the different ones available. There are free ones that you can start using immediately and there are a lot of paid programs that can be bought if you would like a more comprehensive solution.You will be able to solve your college algebra problems once you get the online math help. Make sure you take advantage of all the great online resources that are available to you and find the right program for you. You will be amazed at the difference you will see in your grade.

Organic Chemistry IHD Program - Developing Professional Skills

Organic Chemistry IHD Program - Developing Professional SkillsThe organic chemistry iHD program is designed to help prepare students for careers in the Biochemical Sciences, Agricultural and Food Engineering, and all of the other associated areas of biotechnology. The program includes seminars, labs, tutorials, and electives that will allow students to gain a solid background in organic chemistry and then to become experts in biochemistry, biophysics, and inorganic and atomic physics.A strong foundation in organic chemistry and biochemistry is essential in order to understand and correctly perform theoretical and experimental experiments. It is also essential to understand the principles behind the materials used in the laboratory and in biotechnology. That said, many chemical engineers today have major concerns with how biotechnology and organic chemistry relate to one another.There are biotechnology facilities around the world that are run by commercial laboratories. These faciliti es can be found in small towns and rural areas, in cities, and even in huge research and development labs. Most of these laboratories are run by personnel who learned their skills and techniques on the job, often with little or no formal training.Similarly, many of the development labs that are affiliated with large pharmaceutical companies in large cities and towns offer biotechnology services. But, that does not mean that these development laboratories are professional and experienced in conducting such services.Most of the staff members who work in these biotechnology facilities have little or no experience in conducting field work or field experiments, and they may lack the theoretical knowledge and mathematical skills that are necessary to understand the results of the biotechnological applications that they conduct. For these reasons, it is critical that organic chemistry students get hands-on experience working in an organic chemistry laboratory during their undergraduate cou rsework.This experience allows them to learn the techniques and principles of the field and to focus their interests on practical applications. They develop skills, confidence, and knowledge of how biotechnology and organic chemistry relate to one another. While many of the students that get involved in developing biotechnology facilities will never continue their education after graduating from college, this experience will be valuable for them later on when they seek jobs in the biotechnology industry.While it is true that there are many branches of chemistry and many advanced students who want to continue on in these branches, the field of organic chemistry has a lot of scope for advancement, particularly in large metropolitan areas where many of the development laboratories are located. The advancement of science and technology in such environments is of interest to scientists and engineers who want to pursue advanced degrees in these areas.